Sept 25, 2023 - Bathurst Bulldogs Gala
Newport Over 35s
If you're in the Northern Beaches and interested in a great social network, with the occasional game of rugby and a lot of touch rugby - this is the team for you. No experience required!
We play touch every Thursday in Newport and in the winter we play rugby once every few weeks under the golden oldies (masters) rules i.e. Uncontested Scrums, no quick line outs etc.
There is plenty we do off the field socially and for the community too.
If you are interested phone or email the President, Shane Pretty ("Ugly") at 0400 860 665 or shanepretty@hotmail.com .
Also we have a fine new Secretary for 2025: Simon Lahive ("Sex Bomb") simon.lahive@gmail.com
(Sorry but ALL our members have to have a nickname)
Visit us on Instagram @nastiesrugby
Visit us on Facebook https://m.facebook.com/NewportOver35s/
We’d love for you to join us!
Shane Pretty ("Ugly") & Simon Lahive ("Sex Bomb")

Sponsors 2025...
A heartfelt Thank You to our sponsors...
4 Pines Brewing Company
Lux Landscapes PTY LTD
Providore Global
Arch Capital
Stone Real Estate (Mona Vale and North Narrabeen)
Crearter Constructions
Scratch and Ding King
Coldbuster Floor Heating
Our Draw/Events Calendar will follow, so stay tuned
For Golden Oldies info, check out here...