2018 Player Registration
(To be Deleted soon)
Are you looking for a game of rugby?
The Newport Breakers are gearing up for a super season of rugby with 4 teams chomping at the bit to play in 2018!
Do you want to play with a passionate club rich with over 55 years of history?
How about a club that has long been the Suburban Production Line for Wallaby and Super Rugby Representatives?
Or how about a club that is home to many generations of players who all share pride in the Blue and White jersey and wouldn't dream of playing for another club?
Then Newport Breakers Rugby is the club for you.
To register your interest email registrar@newportrugby.com.au
All players will need to fill out a Registration form for 2018 which is downloadable here:
Formal Pre-Season Training commenced early February at Porter Reserve and it continues every Tuesday and Thursday from 6:30pm.
Spread the word and let’s rip in!
2018 Subbies Fees...
Early Bird Registration After Early Bird
Colts: $180 Colts: $200
Seniors: $220 Seniors: $250
This can be paid by credit card or cash (no part payments) or weekly direct debit. EFT details are below.
This cost covers the following for all players:
Player fees
A Newport Breakers Rugby Club Polo Shirt
Ground Hire
EFT Details...
Newport Rugby Club
BSB 082-116
Account #63760 2084
Please put your name in for us to reference.
Any questions please contact Newport's Registrar:
Matt Wellings
Email: registrar@newportrugby.com.au